Find a Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) Hospital

Today is the day to take charge of your severe symptomatic aortic stenosis, also known as heart valve failure. Treatment can’t wait.

All patients diagnosed with heart valve failure should be considered for TAVR. Use our search tool to find a TAVR Hospital near you where you will be evaluated for all your treatment options for heart valve failure, including less invasive TAVR. On average, TAVR is about a 1-hour procedure that can treat your heart valve failure with next day discharge for most patients. This allows you to get back to your life quicker as compared to open heart surgery.

Once you find a TAVR Hospital near you, click on the provider to view listing details. Contact the Valve Clinic Coordinator (VCC) at the phone number provided to schedule an evaluation. The VCC is usually the first point of contact at a TAVR Hospital and can help navigate you through the process.