
Take control of your health and your future

Heart valve disease doesn’t wait, and neither should you. Our downloadable brochures provide the information you need to understand the symptoms of heart valve disease and assist you in making an informed decisions about your health.

Don't assume it's your age, it could be your heart. Your guide to heart valve health.

Don't assume it's your age, it could be your heart. Your guide to heart valve health.

Explore the causes of aortic stenosis, who is affected, how it is diagnosed and the available treatment options.

Download English brochure

Guide for talking to your doctor

Guide for talking to your doctor

Guide to assist you with your discussion with your doctor.

Download English brochure




Download Chinese brochure

Hướng dẫn về sức khỏe van tim

Hướng dẫn về sức khỏe van tim

Đừng nghĩ là do tuổi tác, đó có thể là do tim của quý vị

Download Vietnamese brochure